Thursday, December 20, 2007

Bring on the break!

With the completion of today, I'm now mere hours away from beginning the holiday shutdown week away from the routine. I would have previously used the word grind, but I'm feeling less ground.

I just have a few emails to wrap up tonight and then will close on a couple of action item compilations to provide context around the return to work next year. Ensure that I can pick up right where I left off.

I should watch the weather closely as the remaining week ebbs so that I am clear on any risk to the trip north to Seattle on New Years Eve. If there's a threat, plan on cancelling early enough not to get billed.

That's right, I haven't talked about the plan.

The plan, assuming weather doesn't block it, is to drive up to Seattle on December 31 for a stay at the Seattle Westin hotel. The reservation request was made six months ago with a request for a room with a view of the Space Needle. We'll see whether that one gets pulled off. If all goes well, we'll watch the New Years fireworks from our room :-)

1 comment:

C. Jane Reid said...

Ooo, fireworks in Seattle! That sounds like a blast.

I punned there. Sorry about that.

We haven't done a proper new years since 1999 when we had a friend over to watch the millenium arrive, sprayed the apartment with silly string, and howled at the moon. Not that that's a proper new years ritual, by any means, but it was fun.

Except there was two years ago when I stayed up with TC and our friend Mike to watch what happens on my Animal Crossing game when new years hits. It wasn't overly climatic.

This year, I foresee Mike and TC and I rocking out to Rockband, the game, and then toasting with Martinelli's. Or maybe another all night gaming session. We haven't done that in ages.

Anyway, obvious, we have less sophisticated plans for our new years.

Enjoy Seattle!